Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn $178 Per Video | (BEST Step by Step Tutorial)

Can you make money with YouTube shorts?

See a short video here: 🡆

We are going to cover YouTube shorts what are shorts and how do you make a short and why you want to make a short. YouTube is encouraging creators to make 60-second videos, they are going to pay these creators from $100M YouTube Funds. You can get a monthly check anywhere from 100 to $10,000. But I’m going to show you other ways to monetize your shorts.

Just google YouTube shorts and find out all the information, frequently asked questions and all that good stuff. What we’re going to do is kind of do an overview on how to do a short and then we’ll get into more advanced stuff as the series progresses, but this is just for beginners.

Honestly, I wouldn’t depend on YouTube to pay you. The main reason to do shorts is because of the YouTube algorithm is promoting their shorts platform heavily right now. It’s the BEST time to join in on this trend.


FREE Traffic!!!

That’s right, although you may not get a check from YouTube, you can utilize the platform to get FREE traffic, instead of paying for Google or YouTube Ads.

Why not take advantage of that while it’s HOT??

It usually takes a YouTube channel months and even years before it builds momentum, unless you put a lot of money into promoting it. With YouTube shorts your videos can go viral in days, weeks or even months if you do it right.

Watch this video until the end and I will give you all the tools, resources and steps to make your own short videos that you can upload to your YouTube channel so you can start driving traffic to your products or services.

If you want to learn how to get an entire YouTube automation business set up in the next 30 days with NO experience, NO creating videos, and NO showing your face! >>> CLICK HERE!

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